How many of you like treasure hunting? Garage Sales, Consignment Stores, Thrift Stores, Antique Shops, Flea Markets?
Some people love the pursuit of finding a treasure. A person once told me that it is an instinct some people have.
I would say that for some, it is a passion.
What people collect know no limit. Spoons, shoes, candle stick holders, you name it and people collect it. Sometime I ask, what is this collecting all about?

I use to love going to antique shops where ever I traveled around the world. I use to love treasure hunting like many of you. I had no idea what else I was bringing home, things that I could not see.
Years ago, I was unaware that everything is energetically imprinted with the thoughts, feelings, and energetic signatures of the owners and their environment. I did not know that deceased owners could still be attached to their favorite piece of jewelry, painting, or furniture.

I did not know that doll and stuffed toy collections, when left unattended, can be a refuge for unwanted visitors who find comfort in the stillness and neglect of such collections. Many macabre horror movies have depicted runaway spirits residing in dolls. I myself experienced a spirit that took refuge in a faerie doll that insisted on sitting by a window. Once I found a live mouse sleeping on her lap. I eventually left the faerie doll in a hidden spot by a river where water faeries are said to reside.
How do you know you have bought something beside your treasure home?
Here are some of things you should be aware of:
- A change in energy in your home or the room you have placed your treasure.
- Strange happenings in your home.
- Nightmares and sleeplessness. This is usually one of the first signs you have a visitor.
- Change in luck – change in life. Nothing is the same.
- Cold feeling in parts of your home.
- Children are more fearful with bad dreams.
- One infested item can bring in a posse of unseen – uninvited guest
What can an unsuspecting ‘treasure hunter’ do about this dilemma?
God bless the treasure hunters in the world. Their need to forage and find a hidden treasure will never go away. They are singularly responsible in an unsuspecting way for preserving history, how people lived, how people utilized things in their everyday life. They have kept all of this alive for us.
Here are somethings you can do to minimize the risk of bringing ‘something’ you did not intend to bring home:
- Be mindful of how you feel when you hold your treasure. Does it ‘feel’ ok.
- Do you know the history of the people who owned your found treasure? Were they bankrupt, divorced, or mean spirited people? Those imprints go with the found treasure
- Sage sticks are not enough. Soap and water will give items a nice clean up – of dirt only.
- Prayers, blessings, copal and camphor smudges help. Sprinkling of holy water is good.
- Prayers or Prayer rituals to help deceased attached people move on is good
- Hire a Professional Clearer ®. We can thoroughly clear any object or home of any type of imprint or attachment. We are the most trained to handle your treasure hunting finds.
Althea Gray, Human Potential Healer
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