
I understand that Althea Gray is not a doctor or a therapist. She does not replace your current medical or psychological care.  She makes no claims or diagnoses. 

I understand that my sessions are complementary and non-medically based.

I understand that her practice is based on inherited ‘Healing’ gifts transmitted to her from her late Curandera Grandmother, years of deep spiritual practice,  guidance.

I understand that Althea Gray’s  ‘Light Tools’  and classes are non- medically based.

I understand that my cooperation and honesty will affect my ‘Healing’ process.

I understand that because of the nature of this type of care, results cannot be guaranteed.

I agree to forfeit any legal claims against Althea Gray and PEACHBUDDA and hold them


I understand that Althea Gray retains the right to cease sessions at any time if she sees the need to do so.

Signature: Althea Gray


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